If you haven’t heard, Hard Rock Cafe is rolling out a whole new lineup of entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights! Each band was meticulously chosen to showcase their distinct musical and stage personality, bringing a high-energy “rock edge” to the stage. This week, were featuring Light Up The Moon!
How did you guys come up with the name, Light Up The Moon?
It was actually a lyric in a song our singer wrote for his solo record.
How long have you guys been performing together?
We’re about a year old. All of us have played in bands for years but decided to put this band together to play occasionally and concentrate on writing original material but it’s turned into a full time band. Lol!
Have you ever performed in South Florida before?
Not this band but a few of us have played at Sloppy Joes in Key West for years. The drummer also played a New Years Eve show at Scarletts Cabaret in Hollywood Florida about 10 years ago.
What was the biggest challenge you faced as a group?
Probably the biggest challenge was that none of us expected to play as much as we are and it happened rather quickly. We were actually using our guitar players truck and a trailer but we didn’t want to put so many miles so we had to go buy our 15 passenger van quickly.
What are you looking forward to the most when performing at Hard Rock Café on 9/29 – 9/30?
Hopefully we will get to see a lot of friends we all have in South Florida. We also hope to make a lot of new friends.